![]() 10/05/2015 at 20:03 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
For me it was JRPGs. Try to find me a good turn based JRPG on a modern console (seriously I’m open to suggestions). All of today’s “RPGs” are just action games where you level up! Now these games aren’t nad but I don’t feel like they’re RPGs. I want the old hardcore, random encounters, controlling every character, stratagy heavy, epic story having RPG! I think we peaked with Final Fantasy X and it’s all been down hill from there as developers have tried to appeal to wider fanbase.
If we compare now to the 90’s and early 2000’s in the course of ten years we had Final Fantasy 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Secret of Mana, Persona 2, Wild Arms, Parasite Eve, and Valkyrie Profile to name a few! If we compare that to the late 2000s to now, about the only good RPGs I can think of is Persona 4.
So basically what I’m saying is that I’m going to buy Square Enix. If you people don’t like my taste in games then you can suck my ATB bar!
![]() 10/05/2015 at 20:07 |
You’re giving me a Halo game with no local campaign? Fuck off, Microsoft.
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Normal consumer home stereo amplifiers. They used to just amplify signal, switch between sources, and EQ and it was all analog. Now they’re feature heavy and all of the money you spend on them goes into the number of inputs, but unless you spend serious money on a high quality one (you won’t find it at Best Buy), you’re better off going to a flea market, finding the guy with the 70’s receivers, and pick the one that’s the heaviest. Seriously, it will be the highest quality one.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 20:12 |
On that note, Counter Strike. I mean, what’s wrong with 1.6?
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Portable games.
It used to be that with the DS, and PSP, you could play some seriously great games while on the go. Now, with those dying, and mobile gaming moving into the spotlight, potentially good games are ruined by opportunities for developers to get money with in-app purchases. (I’m looking at you, RR3 and NFS No Limits)
![]() 10/05/2015 at 20:14 |
Yeah! 1.6 was the shit in CompSci class! CS:GO used to be fun, but now I can’t enjoy it. Mostly because playing as CampingCarl gets me kicked faster than I can join.
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Synthesizers. There are still good analog synthesizers, but 40 years ago, there weren’t really any bad ones. Limited ones, sure, but they still sounded great.
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Music quality in general, the loudness wars have ruined nearly all modern music for me with brick-wall limiting.
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If there’s one thing I’m beginning to realize, it’s how limits improved aspects of old technology. Instead of being able to do everything okay, they were designed to do specific things very very well.
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Seems the FP is run by Redditors nowadays.
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I still haven’t played GO.
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Pokémon. Peaked with Gold and Silver. I will also second Halo, and how it’s turned into Call of Halo: Titanfall; it peaked with 3 and ODST.
Non video games?
I’m going to go with tools. Fixing/cleaning old tools and having them out perform the value ones from HF is so satisfying.
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Computer keyboards. Now one must spend many dollars on something mechanical, when they used to come with your computer. Granted, said computer cost as much as your house, but you got a killer keyboard.
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As an ibm model m user, I agree!
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Atlus publishes tons of awesome old school RPGs. They’re still out there.
Frankly, I love the video game market right now; AAA titles not so much, but smaller publishers and Indy stuff hit so many niches at such a reasonable price point.
![]() 10/05/2015 at 21:41 |
I don't know. But in the old days, games were finished before they were sold.
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Flight simulators. Back in the day, there were tons of simulators. Today, despite the resurgence of Microsoft Flight Simulator X on Steam, your only other major option is DCS World.
Otherwise it’s all just flight arcade games. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Ace Combat growing up. Actually, Ace Combat on the PS2 was the golden age for the series. Now it’s free to play on PS3. The hell is up with that?
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TV remotes. Remember when there was just one remote control? It controlled the volume, channel, input, etc.
Now we have one remote for power/volume, a second remote for the cable box, a third remote for the DVR player, and a fourth for the CD player (because your dad still plays Christmas CD’s, because obviously).
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My Razer BlackWidow is lovely, but I get my retro kicks from an ‘94 White Alps Dell board I found for $2.
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Games in general. Games from back in the day didn’t have graphics to fall back on as an excuse for a short, shitty campaign/story.
And what’s up with the lack of local coop campaigns?
![]() 10/05/2015 at 23:11 |
Local multiplayer needs to come back! Halo 3 with friends after school was amazing!
![]() 10/05/2015 at 23:13 |
Sounds like you need a universal remote! here’s the one I have, it’s only $16 bucks and controls my entire entertainment system! Also if your stuff is sony, it automatically works with it!
![]() 10/06/2015 at 00:43 |
Skyrim? Does that not qualify as an RPG? Seriously, I’m not big on differentiating genres because I always mix them up and piss someone off so I have no idea. Excellent game, despite its glitches.
Music. Specifically top 40 radio crap in the last 10-15 years. Half of it is sampling old music or a full on cover. The other half only qualifies as music in that instrument-like noises comprise much of the track and there is a discernable beat. There is no meaning or real emotion behind most of it. Just factory writers punching a clock and filling out a music formula then giving that to factory clock-punching “artists” who can barely write their own name, let alone a song. Get away from the radio though and there is a ton of amazing new stuff, you just have to find it.
Also, social skills and a sense of community. Phones have killed those.
![]() 10/06/2015 at 01:10 |
Yes, according to the gaming public it is an RPG. I however do not consider it one. I consider it an action game with RPG elements, but not an RPG, same with fall out. To me what makes an RPG comes down to the battle system being turned based or active time battle with a ATB bar.
![]() 10/06/2015 at 01:28 |
Makes sense. Personally I prefer live action battles rather than turn based, but to each his own. Definitely don’t consider fallout to be an RPG, more of an RPS like the bordelands series, shooter first everything else second. But I figured skyrim was a good candidate for RPG because there are so many different ways to develop your character and progress the story. Fallout is similar but doesn’t give you nearly the freedom with character development that skyrim had. But that’s just my take, I can’t into genres. If I like it I like it and that’s all that matters to me.